January 5 – Speaking The Truth Of God’s Word And Living It Out

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Jesus Christ, unlike other teachers of his time, taught fundamental truth and God’s principles that could provoke any audience into a protest. He analyzed different controversial topics and simplified God’s words for people to have a better understanding of God’s requirement of holiness. For example, Jesus taught people and said:

1. Bless those who curse you (Luke 6:28)
2. Give to everyone who asks you something (Luke 6:30)
3. Do as you want other people to do to you (Luke 6:31)
4. Love your enemies (Luke 6:35)
5. Do not judge others (Luke 6:37)
6. Give abundant charity to other people (Luke 6:38)


Christians must continuously follow the principles of Jesus Christ by teaching people the basic facts of God’s kingdom. Some truth will be uncomfortable and hurtful, yet people need to hear them so that they can understand God’s requirements for his kingdom and thereby comply with them. However, we (believers) must ensure to preach what we practice and also lead by examples to motivate people into godliness. Meanwhile, the basis of speaking the truth of God’s kingdom must not be based on anyone’s holiness standard. That is, whether a Christian still struggles to comply with God’s laws in one area of his/her life or not, he/she is still required to preach God’s truth at all times – without any dilution or over-simplicity. God’s righteous standard remains irrevocable; therefore, believers have to preach it always.

We must learn from Jesus, whose preaching throughout the scripture laid emphasis on holiness – as the only requirement that qualifies anyone for God’s kingdom. Christ even stated, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

In addition, for any Christian to adequately comply with God’s righteous standard and preach it, he/she must have been empowered by the Holy Spirit. Without him (Holy Spirit) in control, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to please God. The Spirit will encourage us to love God and our neighbors well. He will also help us to live by example and preach the undiluted word of God.


Dear Jesus Christ, please help me to be an honest Christian who will live according to the scripture and also preached the truth of your kingdom. Empower me with your Holy Spirit to live holy and acceptable life before you; let your divine Spirit give me a contrite heart “To talk the talk and walk the walk” for the purpose of benefitting your kingdom. When my earthly race is over, please count me worthy in your eternal kingdom to rejoice in your presence forever! For in the name of Jesus Christ, I make my requests. Amen.

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James Taiwo

Snr. Pastor at World Outreach Evangelical Ministry

Post by James Taiwo – author of Book of Prayers | Pinnacle of Compassion | Bible Application Lessons | Success Express Lane | Bible Giants of Faith & others. Learn More. 


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