Freedom Prayer (Podcast)  #BeFree #SetFree #PowerOfTheLord

Freedom Prayer (Podcast) #BeFree #SetFree #PowerOfTheLord

Jesus Christ has liberated you! Embrace the freedom that comes from the Lord! Jesus Christ has liberated you. Everything will align for your greater good. This is your freedom prayer! Lord, guide my steps as I walk in this newfound freedom. #FaithJourney #TrustGod #DivinePlan Our faith becomes a source of strength, helping us navigate the […]

Love God than this? (Podcast) #servegod #followjesus #makeup

Love God than this? (Podcast) #servegod #followjesus #makeup

Honest assessment of faith When we decide to dedicate ourselves to God, our love for Him should be unwavering and boundless. Let’s embrace a love that knows no limits! If we choose to serve God then our love for him must be unconditional. #jesus #islord #madeup #shine Our faith becomes a source of strength, helping […]

Settle your mind in a positive environment. #positivethinking #childofgod #mind

Settle your mind in a positive environment. #positivethinking #childofgod #mind

Choose to follow positivity direction. Select the path you wish to pursue. Seek out uplifting surroundings that nurture your spirit. Don’t just wait for an apple to fall; enforce positive thoughts. #positivethinking #childofgod #mind Don’t simply wait for opportunities to come to you; take the initiative to cultivate positive thinking. You are a beloved child […]

As He Thinks, So is He (podcast) #inspiringothers #opportunityforgrowth #heart

As He Thinks, So is He (podcast) #inspiringothers #opportunityforgrowth #heart

By nurturing a relationship with God, we gain clarity on our purpose and direction. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. When we set God ahead of us and put his interest in our hearts, things go well. By nurturing a relationship with God, we gain clarity on our purpose and direction. […]

The ability to use your mind is your right to earn victory. #useyourmind #victory #claim

The ability to use your mind is your right to earn victory. #useyourmind #victory #claim

Your capacity to harness your thoughts is your powerful pathway to success. The ability to use your mind is your right to earn victory. #useyourmind #victory #claim Don’t let negativity overwhelm you; your mindset is crucial. Embrace the importance of your thoughts and claim your victory! Don’t allow negative thoughts to take over you. What […]

Fame will fade off (podcast) #loveforgod #fame #time #longtime

Fame will fade off (podcast) #loveforgod #fame #time #longtime

How deep is your commitment to God? While fame may diminish over time, the depth of your love for God is what will endure forever. It is a love that transcends the fleeting accolades of this world, grounding you in purpose and strength. When accolades fade and the spotlight dims, it is this unwavering connection […]

Prayer to love and serve God unconditionally (podcast) #focus #prayer #pray

Prayer to love and serve God unconditionally (podcast) #focus #prayer #pray

Pray the authentic prayer: Unconditional prayer. Pray the authentic prayer: Lord, help me to serve you unconditionally—not for what I can get but for who you are and what you are. Authentic Christians focus on God only. Pray the authentic prayer: Lord, help me to serve you unconditionally. #beauthentic #christianity #help Click to tweet BIBLE […]

You will always overcome (podcast) #live #situation #instakids

You will always overcome (podcast) #live #situation #instakids

As a true breed of God, you will always be on top of any situation. A child of God should rule his world and be on top of circumstances. With God on your side, you will always overcome. As a true breed of God, you will always be on top of any situation because the […]

Our consistency rules with God (podcast) #purebreed #beconsistent #life

Our consistency rules with God (podcast) #purebreed #beconsistent #life

What is important in life is direct and consistent interaction with God. CONSISTENCY is not loud. Pure breed comes with personal decisions here and there and being consistent and becoming strong. It doesn’t come in one day. You are consistent and growing with God. purebreed #beconsistent #life #bestday #personaldecision Pure breed comes with personal decisions […]

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