Affliction is not convenient, but the right word for children of God is: “Stay strong!” Indeed, no child of God should allow affliction to overwhelm him. Also, affliction should not make us turn away from God.
We have confidence. Jehovah can turn any bad situation around and make it become beneficial for his own children. People who cast their hope in Jesus Christ will rejoice. They will not be ashamed under whatever condition.
#jehovah #staystrong #children #confidence
Bible is full of different people who overcome their challenges when they cast their hope in God. Read about Abraham, Daniel, Esther, Peter. These people exercise their faith in God, and they were not ashamed.
Children of God must remain confident in their God they serve. Our heavenly Father is ever-present to cater to us (his children) in whatever circumstances of life we may be undergoing.
God will move mountains and level valleys for as many that can completely trust him.
Read more about the call to trust God here
Tags: Absolute Confidence In God, affliction of righteous, affliction of the righteous, Affliction Rebel Saints, Affliction Saints And Sinners Jacket, Confidence In God Quotes