Jesus Christ sent some 70 disciples to preach the gospel and he authorized them to make a public embarrassment of Satan by delivering people out of his bondage. Christ said to his disciples,
“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19).
The disciples utilized their rights as instructed, and they celebrated their victories.
Believers of Jesus Christ have divine enablement to have ground-breaking testimony to the glory of God. Since Christians have received Christ’s promises to prosper in all their ways, they will appropriately bind and loose in any situation. Meanwhile, the most important aspect of Christianity is the privilege they obtained to preach the undefeatable gospel to the ends of the earth. Christians will not be stopped by the devil, but they will operate through the Holy Spirit to proclaim Christ’s gospel to far and near places. Unbelievers will come to the marvelous light of Christ and be saved. Hence, all Christians should celebrate their rights and privileges in the Lord. We (believers) should all go out to demonstrate God’s remarkable strength reserved in us to yield profit for his kingdom.
Dear Jesus Christ, I am fortunate to have believed and accepted you as my personal Savior! Since I belong to you, all rights and privileges have been endowed on me to prosper; therefore, I am asking for your strength to manifest adequately! Empower me to use my rights and privileges as a Christian to root out the kingdom of darkness and proclaim your goodness to the ends of the earth. Let your Holy Spirit give me power and strength to boldly proclaim your gospel, and let signs and wonders accompany my ministries so that unbelievers can see and know that God is good! Thank you Jesus Christ for I know you will do more than I have requested. Amen!