World Outreach Evangelical Ministry

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Bible Devotion

February 17 – God Can And Will Protect His Own Image

February 17 – God Can And Will Protect His Own Image

Israelites assumed that God would ignore their sins and protect them from their enemies, but they were disappointed. Despite their attempt to bribe God with casual godliness, they were still punished! (Israelites brought God’s Ark of Covenant to a battlefield with the hope that the Creator would confirm his presence with them). God refused to…

NEW DAWN | James Taiwo | Trumpet Media

NEW DAWN | James Taiwo | Trumpet Media

Unlearning what you’ve learnt to reshape your life. *SUBSCRIBE✍️ _____________________ 📲BIBLE COMBO (devotion app) 👉 👉 🌎 _____________________ 📲BIBLE ALERT (quote app) 👉 👉 🌎 . . . #sermons #biblecombo #thejamestaiwo AndroidiPhoneMulti-Language Bible Devotion Personal & Group Bible Study Tool App Download

February 16 – The Return of Jesus

February 16 – The Return of Jesus

Jesus Christ compared his second coming to Noah’s time: All things appeared to be going smoothly; therefore people paid less attention to God’s warning of repentance and obedience. Unfortunately, God had to destroy all people – except Noah’s family. Flood overtook the earth, and all people died! Jesus said, “Just as it was in the…

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We are an interdenominational Christian ministry with a mission to lead people throughout the world into a growing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Multi-Language Bible Devotion
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Multi-Language Bible Devotion
Personal & Group Bible Study Tool
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